In the past three years, the Ministry has remained focused and pointedly on its course of ensuring and discharging sound fiscal and developmental commitments of the government. The Ministry had, therefore, expanded its statutory functions which are not limited to:

  • Prepare annual budgets including inter-ministerial Budget defenses of all MDAs with State Budget Committee.
  • Keep custody, allocate and generate warrants and authorize payment of all government expenditure as approved by His Excellency, the Governor in line with the budgetary provision of the year.
  • Install and implement the State Government Accounting System.
  • Formulate and implement fiscal policies of the State.
  • Produce monthly and Annual Accounts of the State Government.
  • Coordinate the State Investments, Loans and Portfolio Management including Investment in shares.
  • Provide advice to the government in debt management strategies for better borrowing, when the need arises.
  • Reconcile from time to time the indebtedness of the State Government with any domestic and external financial institutions and other bodies.
  • Monitor, evaluate and control government expenditure to be within the budgetary provision of the year.
  • Prepare, produce and circulate to MDAs Annual Approved Budget Estimate to guide the State in her financial transactions.
  • Prepare and produce Supplementary Budgets where applicable to accommodate extra financial challenges of the year.
  • Prepare and pay salaries and pensions of retirees between 15th and 20th of every month as a matter of State Policy.