The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development is a Service Ministry in Ebonyi state. The Ministry is charged with the enormous responsibilities and functions of overseeing the financial and development policies and objectives of the State Government.

The Ebonyi State Ministry of Finance and economic development was created as soon as the State was created in 1996 during the Late General Sani Abacha’s regime with Mr. Oko Udo Oko and Mrs. Ngozi Nwankwo as the Pioneer Commissioner and Accountant General respectively. The pioneer staffs were drawn from the former Abia and Enugu States Indigenous staff.

Orlando Okechukwu Nweze is the current Commissioner for Finance and Economic Development in Ebonyi State. He is a very pragmatic, young result-oriented and a good manager of resources. Orlando is the pioneer Director, Finance and Administration of SouthEast Governors Forum Secretariat.

Some of the targets of the Ministry are not limited to the following:

  1. Ensuring that intra ministerial relationship in Ebonyi State is cordial and promising
  2. Complete Computerization of the Central Payroll system for Ministries, Agencies, boards and Parastatals in the State which was initiated by the Ministry.
  3. Successful preparation, defence and monitoring of the annual budget as one of the major functions of the Ministry.
  4. Computerization of Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) inter alia is the brainchild of the Ministry.