'Ebonyi state water corporation' as it was formerly called came into existence as a result of an Executive Fiat issued on creation of Ebonyi State in 1996, when staff of the then Enugu state water corporation and Abia Water Board were merged to man the establishment. The high premium placed on this essential commodity called water resulted to the popular statement; WATER IS LIFE.

We therefore make bold to say that His Excellency, has rightly repositioned Ebonyi State to compete favourably with her counterparts nationwide having invested so much in the water sector.

The task of providing water to the masses is a collective responsibility of all. We must work assiduously to sustain the efforts of His Excellency, by protecting the water pipelines from vandals

who carelessly break these pipes along the ways creating unnecessary wastages and diversions, as he work tirelessly towards restoring water supply to the teeming Ebonyi population.


We strive to be a high performing commercially viable world class water supply organization.


To provide potable and affordable water to the people of Ebonyi State in a sustainable manner to improve living standards.
