The main programme of the ministry before and now includes:

  1. To protect public health and environment in urban and rural areas across the state by achieving the following set out goals and objectives;
    1. Clearing of grasses, trimming of flowers, clearing of roadside drains and carting away of littered wastes in fourteen (14) sanitation zones in Abakaliki metropolis.
    2. Evacuation of refuse at the dumpsites scattered across the state capital.
    3. Procurement of equipment for waste management (Garbage bins).
    4. Procurement of fumigation/spraying machines chemical for environmental sustainability and vector control.
    5. Forestation and reforestation scheme (tree planting and re-planting).
    6. Procurement of modern mobile toilets for selected public places.
    7. Procurement and installation of specially designed mobile kiosk for designated locations along the seven (7) Golden roads in the state.