The issue of environment became the area that is very prominent and important in a contemporary society that is why the Ministry was created in 2011. Before now nobody paid even lip service to the environment. They hardly had any impression that the environment worth any attention until the ministry was created. But now people have started realizing that if the environment is not conducive, our lives will not be safe.

Thank God that the immediate past Government created a separate Ministry for Environment, but those he used as at that time tried to make our environment clean but their best was not good enough. But since the inception of the recent administration on May 29th , the Government has shown good faith by appointing somebody who should deliver on those issues of environment. Though, there are challenges here and there, people felt he was not going to do well, but i want to say that the young man at the Ministry of Environment is doing a whole lot to complement the policy thrust of the present administration headed by Engr. Chief Dave Umahi, who said it is back to Culture, green culture and if you look around nobody need to tell you that the government is working in terms of provision of minimal infrastructure that make the street clean. There is street light everywhere and our roads being maintained, trees are being planted and people are employed to seep the roads. All these have environmental connection.

So, the Ministry is doing a lot to ensure that the Governor delivers on his promises to the people that he was going to make sure that Abakaliki look like a Modern Capital City.