Ministries, Departments and Parastatals

Ebonyi State Council for Arts & Culture

The Ebonyi State Council for Arts and Culture (ESCAC) was established by an edict on the February 23, 1998, by the Military Administration of Simeon Oduoye. Following are excerpts from the edict: In this Edict, “arts” include drawing architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, music, dancing, drama, film making, photography design, decorations and other forms of arts. Subject to the provision of this edict, it is the duty of the council to:

  • Plan foster, encourage and promote the appreciation, revival and development of Arts and Culture in the State.
  • Plan, arrange and organize artistic and cultural activities in the state.
  • Execute the Cultural policy of the State Government directed by the Ministry responsible for Arts and Culture in the State.
  • Coordinate the activities of any committee established by local Government in the state for the promotion of arts or culture and encouraged the organization, management and development of artistic and cultural activities in all Local Government area in the state.

In pursuance of the functions of the Council, the council also have the power to organize, hold on, assist financially or otherwise in the holding of exhibitions, performances, or festivals of arts and culture, and to admit the public there to either with or without charge. Since its establishment, the council has excelled in local, state, national and international engagements. In Nigeria today, the Council is ranked among the best five Arts Councils in terms of dance, performances, drama, choral and indigenous music and cuisines.

In NAFEST, 1997, the Council on its first outing took the 3rd position nationwide in a dance drama titled, “Bring Back the Mask.” The Council also represented the Southeast States during the Black Heritage Festival hosted by the Lagos State Government for blacks at home and in diaspora in the year 2001. The Council has performed in all the national and international activities hosted by the nation; for example, COJA, CHOGM, the launching of the Roll Back Malaria Project, where thirty-five (35) Heads of State of African countries attended. The hosting of the then-president of the United States of America, Mr. Bill Clinton, equally received the blessing of our Council. In fact the performance of the State dance troupe was the highlight of that occasion with a one-minute review by the Cable Network (CNN). In 2005, the Council’s dance troupe represented Nigeria in the Yearly Multi-Cultural Festival at Canberra in Australia.

Ebonyi State Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy Matters & Rural Development


The Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy Matters and Rural Development is saddled with the provision of supervisory roles to the Local Government Areas and Development Centers. It supervises the activities of the Traditional Institutions and monitors developmental activities of Town Unions and Development Associations. The Ministry equally distributes revenue accruing to Local Government Councils through Ebonyi State Local Government Joint Account Committee (JAC). Through the successful hard work and cooperation of the various heads of departments, the Ministry aims at consolidating on programmess and activities that champion the causes of Ebonyi rural masses through an efficient and effective local government system capable of providing improved infrastructural, human and social services to the grassroots.

Policy Thrust

The Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy Matters and Rural Development policy thrust is to ensure smooth, effective, efficient and productive administration of our Local Government Centers and Traditional Institution in the State. Indeed, policy formulation is the main thrust of the Ministry in an avid effort to enthrone good governance in the grassroots. The Ministry is therefore service oriented.

Schedule of The Ministry of Local Government Chieftaincy Matters and Rural Development

The Ministry has as one of its duties, the formulation of bills that aim at ensuring smooth cooperation between Local Government Areas and Development Centers to reduce conflict and avoid friction in the system by defining and assigning specific roles to both the Local Government Areas and Development Centers. Thus, the formulation of law No. 004 of 2008 titled, Ebonyi State Local Government Councils and Development Centers Regulations and Remuneration Package for Public and Political Office Holders (Amendment Law 2008).

  1. The Ministry ensures accountability in the Local Government Areas and Development Centers by guiding them to prepare their estimates, defend them and ensure effective implementation.
  2. The Ministry holds regular monthly meetings with Chairmen of Local Government Areas and Coordinators of Development Centers on the way forward for effective grassroots administration.
  3. The Ministry organizes quarterly capacity building workshops for Chairmen of Local Government Areas, Coordinators of Development Centers and their Principal Officers to keep them abreast of security and development issues.
  4. The Ministry carries out routine inspection and monitoring of the thirteen (13) Local Government Areas and sixty-four (64) Development Centers to ensure strict compliance with Government policies, guidelines and process.
  5. In conjunction with the National Revenue Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission, the Ministry carries out annual verification of indices for sharing of Local Government Statutory Allocations.
  6. The collection and collation of monthly and quarterly returns on actual income and expenditure of the thirteen (13) Local Government Areas and sixty-four (64) Development Centers is done by the Ministry.
  7. The Ministry investigates genuine petitions submitted to it by aggrieved officials of both Local Government Areas and Development Centers and proffers peaceful solutions.
  8. The Ministry creates measures in line with the State Government directives to ensure prompt and timely payment of salaries and allowances to Local Government Areas and Development Center workers and primary school teachers on or before 25th of every month.
  9. The Ministry advises the Government on the creation of Autonomous Communities.
  10. The Ministry advises to the Government on the enthronement and dethronement of Traditional Rulers.
  11. The Ministry advises the Government on the recognition and certification of Traditional Rulers.
  12. The Ministry serves as the Secretariat of the Traditional Rulers Council.
  13. The Ministry advises the Government on the welfare of the Traditional Rulers.
  14. The Ministry ensures full payment of benefits and allowances of Traditional Rulers who belong to the State Council of Traditional Rulers.
  15. The Ministry accords burial rights to deceased Traditional Rulers and pays them their death benefits.
  16. The Ministry avails the Traditional Rulers the opportunity to participate in conferences that will boast their horizon.
  17. The Ministry initiates and ensures the payment of Severance Allowance to past Political Office Holders in the Local Government Areas and Development Centers.
  18. The Ministry ensures peaceful settlement of conflicts arising from Chieftaincy tussles.
  19. The Ministry registers all Town Unions and Development Associations and renews their memberships annually.
  20. The Ministry holds regular meetings with Executives of Town Unions and Community Development Committees to encourage them to always complement the State Government’s effort by embarking on self-help projects.
  21. The Ministry promotes, encourages and assists Town Unions and Community Development Committees with Grant in Aid to enable them execute self-help projects.
  22. The Ministry ensures the compliance of the State Government Attitudinal Change Policy on its staff.

Ebonyi State Ministry of Youth and Sports


The Ministry of Youth and Sports came into existence since the creation of Ebonyi State in 1996. The Ministry supervises youth and sports development at the State and Local Government Levels. It equally promotes the affairs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Ebonyi State. The Ministry has only one parastatal – Ebonyi State Sports Council which is located at the Ebonyi State Township Stadium. The parastatal supervises all the activities of the Council and the maintenance of stadium.

Policy Thrust

The Ministry is charged with the responsibility of executing the State Government policies on:

  1. Youth development.
  2. Promotion and development of Sports and Sporting Activities in the State.
  3. Promotion and encouragement of youth employment.
  4. Provision of facilities for/and promotion of youth activities (including NYCN).
  5. Organization of youth clubs and associations (including Ebonyi State Youth Development Corps).
  6. NYSC matters.
  7. Supervision of its parastatal, the Ebonyi State Sports Council.
  8. Liaison with other state governments, the Federal Government and external agencies in all matters relating to youth & sports.

Activities of the Ministry

  1. Registration of new voluntary youth organizations.
  2. Organization/election of National Youth Council of Nigeria Executives at the State and thirteen (13) Local Governments.
  3. Organization of 2007 International Youth Week Activities.
  4. Millennium Development Goals Youth Intervention Program.
  5. Training of youth officers on HIV/AIDS and environmental issues.
  6. Facilitation of Millennium Development Goals’ Youth Empowerment programs in agriculture and skill acquisition.
  7. Organization and maintenance of sports camps and centers.
  8. Monitoring sports activities at the grass roots.
  9. Organization of sports festivals and assistance in NUGA (National University Games).
  10. Supervision of primary, secondary and shell cup competitions.
  11. Training and retraining of coaches and staff of the State Sports Council.

Self-Set Targets of the Ministry Within the Period Under Review

  1. Inauguration of National Youth Council Officials at the State and thirteen (13) LGA levels.
  2. Acquisition of lands for establishment of youth co-operative farms at the State and LGA levels.
  3. Organization of inter-local government football competitions.
  4. Organization of inter-bank football competitions.
  5. MCCI/Children weekly jogging exercise with Her Excellency Chief Mrs. Josephine Elechi.
  6. Establishment of Youth Centers fully equipped with ICT facilities for training of youth in skills and computer literacy.
  7. Participation at the 16th National Sports Festival holding at Kaduna later this year.
  8. Sensitization Campaign and mobilization of youths on the dangers of HIV/AIDS and antisocial vices.

Ebonyi State Ministry of Information and State Orientation

Ministerial Responsibilities

The Ministry of Information and State Orientation is the organ of government responsible for the dissemination of information on government policies and programs, as well as the mouthpiece and image-maker of the government. It has the following under listed functions:

  1. Dissemination of information to the public on government policies, programs and activities.
  2. Printing of stationeries for ministerial and non-ministerial departments.
  3. Publication of Ebonyi State gazettes.
  4. Video and public enlightenment services.
  5. Film production.
  6. Supervision of the following non-ministerial departments:
    • Ebonyi Broadcasting Service (EBBS).
    • Ebonyi Newspapers Printing and Publishing Corporation (EBNPC).
    • Ebonyi Cable Television (ECTV).
    • Liaising with other State Governments, the Federal Government and external agencies in all matters relating to information and Orientation.

Ebonyi State Ministry of Education

The first year of Governor Martin Elechi led administration witnessed a lot of achievements, many of which were capacity-building platforms on which the long-term, people-oriented policies of the government would thrive. In line with expectations, within the second year of the administration (which started on 29th May, 2008), the policies began to pay off as several achievements were recorded by the Government in the Education sub-sector. In line with her responsibility for the formulation and interpretation of educational policies, the State Ministry of Education was able to work out fifty percent of the total cost of WAEC and NECO Registration to assist students in various schools across the State. Through this initiative, the government spent over 200 million naira by paying fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the two examinations, while the students paid N2,750 for each of the two examinations instead of the usual N6,000 or N8,000 per examination in previous years (private schools included).

Ebonyi State Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development

The Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development is a social service ministry charged with the responsibility of taking care of women, children, the physically challenged, orphans and vulnerable children. The health, education, social well-being and economic empowerment of women are the core mandate of the Ministry. In achieving these goals, the Ministry embarks on sensitization of relevant government and non-governmental agencies and stakeholders to partner with her to address the needs of women and children, especially the orphans and vulnerable. She advocates for the rights of women and children so that they can reach their full potential in the society. The much needed assistance to the less privileged and the physically challenged is sought out by the Ministry in partnership with spirited individuals and corporate organization/agencies. She encourages women in agriculture and provides micro-credit facilities to women in entrepreneurship in the bid to raise their economic status.