1. COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY: In the area of Commerce & Industry, Ebonyi International Market, Shopping Mall Industrial Estate, Airport, and gigantic edifice are begging for investors use in the state. Ebonyi is ripe for any kind of industrial project owing to the availability of raw materials, labor, and security in the state. Ebonyi Shopping mall located in the heart of the capital city is a gigantic edifice that has thousands of spaces for allocation to investors for banking services, production companies of all kind, media houses, restaurants, eateries, etc. In the area of commerce, the rural areas need to be opened up for commercial purposes. The state government has linked all the 13 LGAs with durable ring roads that will beat the taste of time. Construction of markets in those areas will be germane and viable projects that call for investors' attention.
  2. AGRICULTURE: Ebonyi being an agrarian state has an added advantage in terms of any kind of agro-business and industries. The fertilized land and massive road network make it easier for Agriculture to thrive in the State. The availability of gigantic rice processing plants in the 3 zones of the State and Ezillo Farm/Storage plants are contributing factors to enormous Agricultural Development in the area. Ebonyi has added advantage on major cereal crops such as ( Rice, Maize, Cassava, sesame seeds), fruits of all kind etc and value chains associated with them.
  3. SOLID MINERALS: Ebonyi is blessed with abundant all sort of solid minerals such as salt, granite, limestone, lead dolomite, zinc, aluminum etc. investors, both foreign and local, are needed to harness these potentials littered as natural deposits all over the state. The NIGERCEM Nkalagu cement factory, Ezzangbo building Materials, and other solid mineral industries need urgent revitalization and new ones invested on for the economic growth of the state.
  4. HOUSING/ESTATE: The perennial housing pitfall in the state calls for investors’ urgent attention. Private sectors involvement in housing is highly and urgently needed. The State Government alone can’t handle the enormous housing needs of the state. The new Ebonyi airport, new emerging tertiary institutions in the state with the attending human capital plus the influx of persons and investors to the state on daily basis call for the declaration of state of emergency on housing in the state.
  5. WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT: Ebonyi State as a new state has Ezillo, Oferekpe mega water treatment plants that call for PPP management drive to ensure effective management and service delivery. Water is essential for human existence. Ebonyi state lacks adequate water supplies. In dry season, water supply used to be at a very low level, calling for drilling of boreholes in every part of the state which is prone to earthquakes other negative environmental impact. Power is also very crucial to the development of Ebonyi state. Lack of independent power supply has been a cog to the wheel of progress of the state. Investors are invited to take the advantage of rivers that traversed the states for the construction of hydropower plants with the availability of the market within the state and its environs. The primary purpose of this project is to improve electricity and energy supply across the state and by extension the neighboring states in the south east zone. Ikwo, Ishielu, LGAs have enormous aiding elements to house this project. The project will create appropriate employment, increase energy supply to the state and serve as a catalyst for industrialization and Economic growth.
  6. AVIATION: The new Ebonyi International airport is a leeway to aggressive investments of all kinds in the capital city and its suburb towns around the city. Airport mega city, transportation development, ICT, etc.
  7. TOURISM: Ebonyi state has various tourist attraction centers all over the state. The Centenary City Secretariat mini beach needs state of art development to reap millions from the area monthly, the Amusement park, Fatilami Park, Ndibe beach Afikpo, the Mkpuma akpatakpas in Izzi and other wonderful areas in the state need urgent attention.


  1. MACROECONOMIC DATA: Abudant of all sort of solid minerals such as Granite, Limestone, Lead dolomite, etc. Security, strong economic base and massive land.
  2. LABOUR MARKET DATA: 90% of Available man power both educated, skilled and unskilled manpower.
  3. AVAILABILITY OF SOLID INFRASTRUCTURE: Quality road networks, Ebonyi Shopping Mall (largest in South East with spaces), Constant Power and Security, Ebonyi International Market, Land Mass for any type of investment and other structures.