The administration of Engr. (Chief) Dave Umahi Nweze was inaugurated on 29th May, 2015.

One of the key decisions of the administration was to create two ministries viz Ministry of Power and Ministry of Water Resources from the defunct Ministry of Public Utilities.

The Ministry of Power quickly went into action by engaging itself with the following.

  1. HAUSA QUARTERS TRANSFORMER The ministry liaised with Enugu Electricity Distribution Company to install 1No500KVA, 33/0.415KV transformer donated to the community by his Excellency, the governor during his electioneering campaign tour. Our intervention costs the ministry the sum of N200, 000 (two hundred thousand naira) only.
    The project was commissioned on the 3rd of August, 2015 by His Excellency, the Governor, represented by his Excellency the Deputy Governor, Dr (Bar) Kelechi Igwe.
  2. NWAFOR FOREST (PDP SECRETARIAT)-ONUEBONYI, AKANU IBIAM ROUNDABOUT-MAMMYMARKET STREETLIGHT PROJECTS On the 5th of August 2015, His Excellency, Engr. (Chief) Dave Umahi Nweze, commissioned the above mentioned project at Akanu Ibiam Round About.
    Though the project was inherited from the last administration, the present administration procured five number generators injected into the project to make it a reality.
    The project cost the ministry the sum of N30, 000,000(Thirty million naira) only.
  3. GUNNING ROAD, NEW MARKET ROAD AND ZIKS AVENUE STREETLIGHTS PROJECT. History was made again on the abandoned streetlights in the above mentioned streets.
    His Excellency, Engr. (Chief) Dave Umahi on 3rd September 2015 commissioned streetlight project covering the three streets listed above at Sanni Abacha round about, opposite the main market.
  4. NKALIKI ROAD (HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY) TO ABAKALIKI LGA HEADQUARTERS A 200KVA, 11/0.415KV transformer and a 250KVA Generating set were installed to power the street lighting facilities that ran through the Nkaliki road and terminating around the Abakaliki LGA Headquarters. The project was commissioned by His Excellency on 11th September, 2015.
  5. AFIKPO ROAD, EZZA ROAD, RICE CITY HOTEL TO ONUEBONYI STREETLIGHT PROJECTS 1No 110KVA Generator set and 11/0.415KV transformer each were installed at Afikpo Road, Ezza Road, New Presco, Vanco Junction and Rice Mill for the streetlight projects. These were jointly commissioned by His Excellency on 30th September, 2015.
  6. ON-GOING PROJECTS Streetlight projects are presently on-going at FETHA 1, Police Headquarters, Waterworks Road, Udemezue and Hill Top streets.
    Survey and Bill of Engineering Measurements and Evaluation have been completed in 29Nos streets that had never been captured for streetlights.
    The Ministry is awaiting Government’s approval to enable us commence installations.
  7. INTERFACE WITH EEDC The ministry on regular basis has been interfacing with EEDC on the urgent need to improve power supply in the state.
    The ministry has conveyed to EEDC government’s demand for prepaid meters to her numerous customers in Ebonyi State to stop billing on estimation.
    Most recently was a meeting between EEDC, the Ministry, the SA (Students Affairs) and officials of EBSU Students Union.
  8. IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT DECISION ON JOINT MEASUREMENT OF PROJECTS IN THE MINISTRY The implement of government decision for joint measurement in all on-going electrical installations/power projects in the state is at its advanced stage for completion, with joint measurement certificates issued on three jobs to their various contracting firms.