To tackle its onerous responsibility of Peace Maintenance, the Ministry has been organized into Five Operational Department.

  1. Border Security and Intelligence Analysis
  2. Planning Research and Statistics (PRS)
  3. Conflict Management and peace Building
  4. Administration and finance
  5. State Boundary Committee
  6. Ebonyi State Emergency Management Agency (a Parastatal)


In order to realize our mandate pursuant to the provisions of the manifesto and inaugural address, we successfully organized a sensitization workshop for chairmen of Local Government Areas on peace building, conflict prevention and management. This was intended to equip them for the onerous task of maintaining peace as chief security officers of their respective Local Governments. The Department also mounted a sensitization and advocacy visits to the 13 Local Governments on peace building, conflict prevention, security management and security awareness to sensitize the communities and stakeholders on the subject. It involves the setting up of Security Committees in the Local Government Areas and at the Inter-State flash points.

In furtherance of this, the State Government had donated Security Vehicles and communication equipment to the security agencies to enhance their operations.

Another important element in Security Management function is adequate communication flow between the Centre and the peripheries. To implement this, the Government has made a robust allocation in this years budget in area of effective communication between the State Capital and the Local Governments for the reportage of security breaches and disasters.


The creation of the Ministry is indeed, a wonderful innovation, which has institutionalized conflict resolution mechanism in the State. In the resolution of conflicts we had adopted the Alternative Dispute Resolution {ADR} Procedure.

The concept of ADR has many variants, which include, negotiation, mediation, Arbitration and conciliation and its hybrid forms etc. In the application of ADR mechanism we employ a combination of above.

The ADR Processes offer a number of advantages and benefits including, privacy, speedy resolution of disputes, informality, less costs, better relationship and greater control by the parties over both the process and the outcome. Through her advocacy, enlightenment and sensitization programmes, prompt intervention on areas of dispute, the Ministry has created tremendous awareness and good-will on the part of the communities. They now know where to report Conflict situations or acts likely to cause a breach of the peace for resolution. Consequently, the Ministry is inundated daily with cases requiring the intervention of the Ministry.

What is important to note is that we have been proactive in our approach in order to nip conflicts in the bud.

Furthermore, because there is a function in procedure, the formalization of dispute resolution mechanism in the State had acted as a safety valve for the moderation of disputes. This in turn, has equally reduced disputes escalating to open conflict, which was hitherto endemic in the state. It must be emphasized that though the job is challenging, it has been a rewarding experience by putting smiles on the faces of hitherto antagonistic groups who at the end of the day embrace themselves and eat kola-nuts together to the Glory of God and our leader Engr. Chief David Umahi Nweze the Governor of Ebonyi State.


The Socio-Economic reality of the border communities is that they are characterized by poverty with its peripheral location. Consequently, they have dearth of infrastructural facilities especially modern communication net works, which generally peter-out as one approaches our Border areas. All these, have the effect of alienating rather than integrating the periphery communities with the center.

This creates an asymmetric relationship between the center and the periphery. The asymmetric relation in turn, creates a structural violence on the part of inhabitants of the border communities. This state of affairs constitute serious threat to security. The situation is however being addressed as the Ministry has started getting reports from Border Communities for onward submission to the Governor.

The State Government is serious addressing the issue of flash points in our Inter-State Border in order to enable the State benefit from the provisions of National boundary Development Commission.


The State Emergency Management Agency {SEMA} is a parasatal of Border Security and Conflict Resolution. It was set up pursuant to the provisions of the NEMA Act of 1999 as amended. The State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) was set up to handle the following:

  1. Carry out disaster assessment and reduction in the State.
  2. Response to any disaster within the State and seek assistance from NEMA or any other agencies, if necessary.
  3. Any other activities, which in its opinion are necessary for its efficiency.