To ensure a growing inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurial activities for people of Ebonyi State.


To create a sustainable entrepreneurial and innovative business enabling environment that fosters private sector-led investment for job creation, foreign direct investment, industrialization, viable and competitive private sector in Ebonyi State.


Excellence, Prescience, Innovations, Commitment and Hard work.


  • To enhance the image of Ebonyi state as the most business-friendly state in Africa using all available media platforms and promotions to attract Foreign Direct Investment.
  • To streamline the regulatory hurdles for business and investment activity, and attract increased investments in all sectors of our economy
  • To facilitate the ease of doing business in Ebonyi State by encouraging inter-agency cooperation among relevant agencies.
  • To streamline the regulatory hurdles for business and investment activity, and attract increased investments in all sectors of our economy
  • To facilitate the ease of doing business in Ebonyi State by encouraging inter-agency cooperation among relevant agencies.
  • To promote the development of entrepreneurial culture in the state through sensitizations, and capacity building
  • To nurture and promote the growth of indigenous businesses through the implementation of our local content initiative, formulation and implementation of favorable investment policies.
  • Facilitate access to finance for SMEs by utilizing our partnership with Development Financing Institutions.
  • To be the fulcrum of economic and industrial growth that would stimulate employment opportunities in Ebonyi State.
  • To foster strong relationship with relevant State and Federal Agencies and Establishments, as well as local and international donor Agencies.
  • Facilitate the implementation of Financial Inclusion in all the local government areas in Ebonyi State to enhance business activities in the remotest areas of the state.
  • Improve the entrepreneurial and technical skills of MSMEs particularly the youth. This means increasing access to strategic resources such as skills, knowledge networks, finance, and access to facilities/platforms, amongst others, that will enable them to nurture their innovative ideas into fruition.
  • To provide an integrated, national support for early-stage (start-ups) and small businesses
  • Ensure gender inclusiveness in entrepreneurial activities.
  • Coordinate the formulation of policies and facilitate the implementation of the programmes of the Ministry by providing the appropriate administrative support services to all other budget programmes and sub-programmes.
  • Develop and retain human resource capacity.