Although, the Ministry is service-oriented, concerted efforts have been made which yielded some laudable achievements within the period under review. They include:

  1. To ensure effective grassroot democratization, the Ministry in collaboration with Ebonyi State Independence Electoral Commission (EBSIEC) conducted Local Government elections in 2007, 2010, 2013 and bye elections within the period and also had entrenched a lasting democracy at the grassroot.
  2. Conflict resolution arising from Chieftaincy tussle and its attendant enthronement of generally acceptable Traditional Rulers within the troubled communities.
  3. Origination of a draft bill on the smooth operations of Local Government Areas and Development Centres and its attendant passage into law (Law No. 004 of 2008 titled "Ebonyi State Local Government Councils and Development Centres Regulations and Remuneration package for Public and Political Office Holders (Amendment law 2008)" by the Ebonyi State House of Assembly.
  4. The Ministry closely worked with the Local Government Chairmen/Coordinators to procure and donate eighteen (18 no.) Toyota Hilux Vans with security gadgets to the Nigerian Police Force, Ebonyi State Command and the State Security Service to beef up Security in the State.
  5. In the same vein, 13 Toyota Hiace ambulance buses were procured and distributed to the 13 General Hospitals in the State to promote health care delivery in the State.
  6. More so, the 13 education authorities were equipped with one Hilux Van each to encourage effective supervision of schools for effective teaching and learning in our Primary and Junior Secondary Schools.
  7. The Ministry holds quarterly meetings with all the Traditional Rulers, Divisional Police Officers, Heads of State Security Service at the Local Government Area level and Heads of Civil Defence to ensure effective maintenance of peace at the grassroot.
  8. The Ministry following rampant cases of kidnaps, armed robbery and other social vices, selected and trained vigilante groups for all the wards in the Local Government Areas of Ebonyi State. These she achieved through collaboration with the Ebonyi State Police Command, Director of State Security Services and the Commandant of the Civil Defence Corp. All the trained vigilante members are now paid monthly stipend and are under the supervision of the respective Divisional Police Officers.
  9. The Ministry was able to create measures in line with the State Government directive to ensure prompt and timely payment of salaries and allowances to the Local Government Workers and Primary School Teachers and Teachers of Junior Secondary in the State on or before 25th of every month by introduction of e-payment.
  10. The Ministry was able to ensure accountability in the Local Government Areas/Development Centres through preparation of estimate, defence and implementation as well as regular inspection of projects, account books etc.
  11. The Ministry promoted, encouraged and assisted Community Development Associations and other Development oriented organizations for self-help projects and poverty alleviation programmes. Above all, the Ministry holds regular meetings with the Executives of these Development Association/Town Union.
  12. The Ministry has graded, laterited, compacted and provided drainage system for the following ingress and outgress roads; Nwida – Onuakpara Road, Abina – Oronga – Item Amagu – Egboroenyi Road, Ugbodo – Ofutuenyi Ndielagu Omege Echialike Road, Aguenu (Ukawu), Nwafor Abeja – Amasiri Okposi Road, Amudo – Ukaba – Ndufu Amankpuma Road, Agubia – Abina – Ndiagu Amagu Beach Road, Mebiowa – Akaeze Road.
  13. The Ministry in compliance with the State Government directives will soon complete and furnish the Palace for the Chairman of State Traditional Rulers at the defunct Ebonyi State Cable Television Complex. The Ministry engaged the services of professionals that produced the architectural, structural and engineering designs as well as the bill of quantity. The Ministry also advertised and reputable companies applied for the construction, the bid opening has been concluded and work will soon start in earnest.
  14. The Ministry has completed and furnished Traditional Rulers Council Secretariat at No. 1 Onwe Road to serve our Traditional Rulers in the area of office accommodation.
  15. The Ministry in line with the State Government policies availed Ebonyi State Traditional Rulers the opportunity of interacting with Traditional Rulers from other States by sponsoring them to meetings and conferences to equip them for good administration of their communities.
  16. The Ministry has organized and mobilized over 120 Town Union and Community Leaders through Workshop and Seminars.
  17. Seventeen (17) Development Associations were renewed.
  18. Worked with the Local Government Areas/Development Centres to disburse Micro-Credit loans to farmers across the State.
  19. She plays the leading role in the issuance of Staff of Office that was done to 8 newly selected Traditional Rulers on 24th February, 2012.
  20. Accord burial rights to deceased Royal Fathers. The Ministry also pays the families of deceased Traditional Rulers their death benefits.
  21. The Ministry created 3 zonal offices in Abakaliki, Onueke and Afikpo North LGAs respectively to beef up the Inspectorate and Monitoring services of the Ministry.
  22. Hilux Vans were procured for the effective sensitization of Communities on the need for rural development and monitoring of projects and programmes at the Local Government Area by the relevant officials of the Ministry.
  23. The Ministry trained about 50 Social Development students on Industrial attachments.
  24. Embarked on capacity building of the Personal Aides of Chairmen and Coordinators through a workshop organized for Special Assistants, Women Development Officers, Protocol Officers and Public Relation Officers. This , the Ministry did, in collaboration with the offices of the Chief Press Secretary and Chief Protocol Officer to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State.
  25. Initiated payment of Severance Allowance to Past Political Office Holders in the 3rd tier between June, 2002 to 31st October, 2010.
  26. Through an appeal by His Excellency, Chief Martin Elechi, the Ministry marked the 2013 Community Development Day Celebration with a press briefing by the Hon. Commissioner. In addition, the approval covered exhibition on skill acquisition and grants for community self-help projects among others.